Intro 1




With two or three ingredients

All our products maintain the organoleptic qualities of the fruit or vegetable, offering a surprise for the senses when opening the package of Natural Sins. The careful selection of top quality fruits and vegetables, harvested in Costa Rica and processed in an innovative way, allows them to maintain the original shape, smell, color and flavor, with the addition of an exceptional crunch. Natural Sins products do not contain gluten, preservatives, dyes or artificial flavors.

Our products do not contain gluten, preservatives or artificial colors and respect the highest standards of quality and hygiene.

Have you ever eaten a whole pineapple flake with everything even the core?

When cutting the pineapples into millimeter slices and baking them slowly over low heat, we obtain a perfect crunchy chip from this delicious tropical fruit.

High in diet fiber, low in calories, 0% fat, it naturally contains iron, calcium and potassium.

Sensorial characteristics:

  • Taste: Pineapple, sweet with acid tones
  • Color: Yellow with dark brown edges
  • Smell: Fresh pineapple


You may have tried dehydrated mangoes, but have you tried a mango so finely sliced that you can almost see through it and baked until it can crackle in your mouth? Get ready!

When you try our chips, you will have a sensation of flavor that will enchant your palate.

High in diet fiber, low in calories, 0% fat, it naturally contains iron, calcium and potassium.

Sensorial characteristics:

  • Taste: Mango, sweet with acid tones
  • Color: Yellow-orange with dark edges
  • Smell: Fresh mango


Our crispy coconut chips are a multi-sensory experience.

The first bite immediately transports you to a tropical beach paradise. As a snack or meal side dish, they are a delicious radical change to what you were used to.

High in diet fiber, low in calories, 0% fat, it naturally contains iron, calcium and potassium.

Sensorial characteristics:

  • Taste: Coco, dulce
  • Color: Blanco marfil con bordes de color marrón oscuro
  • Smell: Coco fresco


A surprise for the palate is the beet that, finely sliced, becomes a crunchy appetizing snack with great nutritional qualities.


An experience that you cannot miss.

High in diet fiber, low in calories, 0% fat, it naturally contains iron, calcium and potassium.

Sensorial characteristics:

  • Taste: Beetroot, sweet
  • Color: Purple with darker edges
  • Smell: Fresh beet


An explosion of flavor occurs with the marriage between the sweet pineapple and the spicy touch given by ginger.

Pieces of grated ginger accompany the sweetness of the tropical pineapple, offering a unique flavor.

High in diet fiber, low in calories, 0% fat, it naturally contains iron, calcium and potassium.

Sensorial characteristics:

  • Taste: Pineapple, sweet with acid tones and characteristic spicy ginger
  • Color: Yellow with dark brown edges. Presents paler pieces, of grated ginger
  • Smell: Fresh pineapple


Sweet and spicy, yellow and red.

These are the combinations offered by the thin mango flakes dotted with small red chili peppers. A totally innovative flavor!

High in diet fiber, low in calories, 0% fat, it naturally contains iron, calcium and potassium.

Sensory characteristics:

  • Taste: Mango, sweet with acid tones and the mild spicy chilis
  • Color: Yellow-orange with dark edges, splashes of red
  • Smell: Fresh tropical mango




For Natural Sins, transparency is its main value, therefore it seeks the development of suppliers and the maintenance of the long-term relationship. The brand can tell its consumers the origin of the fruit or vegetable, who grows it and where it is grown.






 San Carlos, Alajuela


Product: MANGO

Provider: Frutacoop RL

Code: MRJ

Location: Orotina, Puntarenas


Product: COCONUT

Provider: Douglas Castro

Code: DCM

Location: Limón



Provider: Zarcetico

Code: ZCO

Location: Zarcero, Alajuela

Private Label
Baked Chips & Powders


Natural Sins has the ability to dehydrate fruits and vegetables, in a 100% natural way, and present them like chips or like powders and flours than can serve as a raw material for various industries.


We have the ability to customize your product through our Private Label offering, a very attractive option for distributors and retailers around the world.

By transforming fruits and vegetables into chips or powders, their nutrients, minerals and vitamins are preserved, making them a natural option, free of colorants, preservatives and chemicals in general.

Our chips and powders are available GMO-free, vegan, kosher by the Orthodox Union, gluten-free, and paleo-friendly. Our factory is certified BRC Global Standard for Food Safety, guaranteeing the integrity, legality and quality of the manufacturing process of Natural Sins Ltda.

Your private label is ready in just 4 steps:
1. Choose your product
2. Select your packaging
3. Design your artwork
4. Place your purchase order

Baked Chips

We search for the freshest fruits and vegetables for your brand, we cut them very finely and bake them until they are crisp. Our basic chips have only one ingredient (the fruit or vegetable), but can be customized, adding spices or herbs.






After baking our fruits and vegetables at low heat in the oven, we grind them into a fine, nutrient-rich powder, which is then sieved through a 0.4mm mesh. Our powders are very convenient and an excellent option to flavor and enhance any type of food or drink.







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